So, how are you? It has been over a year since my last post, which was a year since my last post before that one. So it seems that my habits from past blogs have not changed. After all, past behavior is a damn good indicator of future behavior.

Work and life have kept me busy and away from blogging. I taught for the first time this year, which took up far more time than I would have anticipated (and increased the gratitude and appreciation for all the professors and teachers that I had over the years). I realized back in January that it had been over six months since I organized a trivia night with my friends here, which most of ya’ll know is a pretty sad state for me.

But I think that it would be nice to try to carve out the time to write here more. I’ve gone back and re-read some of my old blogs lately–and naturally, in the process, I found loads of typos. Grammar aside, I do like having these old blog posts to go back to, which brings me back to the effort to post more here.

To finish off this very brief update: I also engaged in some proactive procrastination by going through my old Spotify playlists and cleaned them up a bit. Many were imported mixes from iTunes that I made for friends, family, and myself over the years, and they had a lot of missing tracks that I had to add back in. I also made a few more of these old mixes public for people to enjoy. These are mixes that I’ve made over the last 10-15 years, which is an interesting record of my music preferences over that period. Across these mixes, I also can see a pattern of certain songs that I used and re-used on various mixes, so I need to be mindful of that when making new mixes in the future so I don’t keep re-hashing the same stuff over and over.

Currently, there are 47 mixes/playlists that I have available through my Spotify profile, which can be found here. I have a few more old mixes to clean up and make public, so there will be more available down the road.

I hope you enjoy the music, and I’ll try to post again soon.

P.S. How many of you had this song pop in your head when reading the title? 🙂